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Monday, October 21, 2024
Sound Busy!
Stealth Surfing
My Personal Protector
Get  a Panic Button



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Hi everyone! Thanks for checking out Don's Boss Page!

Those of you who are regular visitors may notice something different -- if you have Flash 6 installed on your computer, the spreadsheet screen above should be interactive. Clicking on any of the buttons at the top of the spreadsheet screen will bring up realistic-looking windows, including the legendary TPS Report (as seen in the film "Office Space").

Mad props go out to Nate Craddock for creating the interactive Flash spreadsheet. Nate is an insanely talented independent Flash designer and I'm grateful he's on board to help everyone slack off at work. Look for more cool Flash stuff from Nate coming soon.

Also, don't forget to check out Sound Busy, an audio-enhanced page that's perfect for cubicle and office dwellers alike. Kick back and go to sleep on the job -- my convincing sound effects will make it sound like you're busy typing while you catch some extra winks. Or, for the less inhibited, my realistic stereo whipping sounds are guaranteed to make the whole office turn their heads! You'll be the talk of the office!


- Don

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